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Sunday, June 3, 2012

You Have to Read This Book

Yesterday morning I downloaded Nienie's book.  If you have never visited her blog, you owe it to yourself to take a look. She is honest and straight forward on her blog and has told the story of the airplane accident she and her husband and a dear friend were in.  The friend did not survive, her husband had many burns and a broken back, Nienie was burned over eight percent of her body and was not expected to survive. 

But in her book she takes you through her recovery process so honestly, it is amazing.  

As I read about her bandage changes and the physical therapy I sobbed, I so wanted to reach out and hold her hand, to give her some comfort. 

As I said I downloaded the book on my Kindle  yesterday morning.  I finished it at 3:00 am this morning.  I simply could not put it down. 
When she quoted the blessings that were given to her by elders, her dad, her husband, I could actually feel the strength that flowed into her body. 

If you want to know what faith in God can do for you, you should get this book.


  1. I read it also! I have been following her blog since 2007. She feels like a sister to me :)
    Everything she went through...I felt like you. I just wanted to take all the pain away.

    When I wrote this post, you could see her book in it! I had so many people email to ask what book it is!!


    Have a wonderful week and I hope you have been feeling good :)
    xo, misha

    1. When she had her new little girl, I thought, thank you Jesus, if anyone deserved to have her prayers answered it was Nienie. Good health to you to, Misha

  2. Just caught up on reading all your posts. Sorry I had fallen so behind. I really enjoy them. Can you loan me this book? But don't do it right away, I have to read the two you just loaned me!

  3. Just caught up on reading all your posts. Sorry I had fallen so behind. I really enjoy them. Can you loan me this book? But don't do it right away, I have to read the two you just loaned me!
