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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Galveston Bay, Tx or what day is this?

We are doing an overnighter here in Galveston, leaving tomorrow for LA., where we will stay for three nights. (thank goodness)
When we were in San Antonio we went to the Alamo. I love seeing these places I have only read about in books. You can actually stand there and feel the history of the place come alive.

I have to say ( and just forgive me if I sound like a "grumpy old get off my lawn lady") there were a lot  and I mean a lot of teenagers there and I have never seen a more disrespectful group of kids in my life. These were scared grounds and if you didn't know that, there were signs everywhere saying they were sacred grounds, where many men shed their blood as they gave their lives and these kids were climbing over the walls and jumping off them and in the church pushing and shoving and screaming. But I don't blame the kids really I blame the adult who were in charge of them.  Why would you bring your kids to such a place if not to respectfully honor those who had died defending it?
And that is my sermon for today!

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt

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