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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am Thankful

 I am thankful that God loves me so much, he sent his Son to die for me and because he lives in my heart I will have life everlasting.  I am thankful for my husband of 40+ years , that he loves me, watches out for me and provides for me. I am thankful for my sisters and brothers, I love them more than I will ever be able to show them.  I am thankful they share their children and grandchildren with us, they make our lives so rich.  I am thankful for my best friend and her husband, it is so wonderful to have someone who is always in your corner, wanting the best for you and it is even better to have someone to laugh with.  I am thankful for my health, sometimes it is difficult but I know it could be oh so much worse.  I am thankful God gave the Dr.'s a way to help me stay active and enjoy life.  I am thankful I am an American and that there are young men and women who are willing to stand in harm's way so I can enjoy the freedom of an American. I am thankful for this wonderful life I live, traveling whenever and where ever our hearts desire. I know that we are truly blessed.  Even though we won't be with are family in person tomorrow, we will be there in spirit and I will be thanking God again for the life he has given us.
God is so Good. Happy Thanksgiving

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt


  1. I am thankful that you have all these things to be grateful for. I am grateful that you can see your blessings. I am thankful that I met you here in blog land and I truely do consider you a friend. We are having some crappy weather so it may be that we will not be able to travel tomorrow but regardless we will count our blessings and make it a good day anyways. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. XX

  2. Beautiful thoughts. This is truly a year for thanks to God for everything he has given. Here I am in IL and my best fried isn't here. But in my heart you're here and I know AZ is much better than it is here. Love ya girlfriend!
